For a second consecutive year in a row Sapec has encoded the UHDTV signals during the Mobile World Congress 2014. This time, using the new encoder video HEVC (ITU-H.265) presented at NAB in Las Vegas with a bit rate of only 18 Mbps.


Madrid (April 1, 2014).

During the World Mobile Congress 2014 in Barcelona, held for the second consecutive year experience by DTT broadcast a signal of Ultra high definition (UHDTV) to 50 images per second (UHD – 4K@50fps with resolution 2.160 × 3.840). This year, it has been possible thanks to the new technology of SAPEC presented the latest NAB in Las Vegas, your encoder and decoder HEVC (ITU H.265).

Leading companies have returned to participate in the experience contributing their resources in each of the parts of the value chain: Sony, with the support of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Televisión Española, Sapec, Hispasat, Abertis Telecom. The transmission could be performed by using the new encoding standard high efficiency HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) that has allowed to bend the image frequency at 50 images per second, allowing you to enjoy DVB-t with a quality never before seen. Abertis Telecom carried out diffusion from the issuing Center of Collserola with a 5KW transmitter in modulation DVB-T2, and the area of coverage of these emissions reached four million people.

The 4K documentary of RTVE “The Passion of The Prado” offers a tour of 400 paintings, all masterpieces, of the more than 9000 which is home to the Museo del Prado. Ultra high definition allows to offer images of the works exhibited in the Museo del Prado with a high level of detail in which the route can be seen and with a spectacular quality textures. The documentary, is one of the first experiments in Europe in 4K, result of the Alliance between TVE and Hispasat, Abertis Telecom with Apuntolapospo. The coding of the documentary film “the passion of the Meadow” in the novel high efficiency HEVC encoding standard, has been made by the Spanish company Sapec coding. Ultra high definition signal can be enjoyed in a TV 4K from Sony featuring receiving DVB-T2 and decoding HEVC integrated and screen 4K resolution, what this TV makes it the most advanced in the world in quality.

In the near future, the UHDTV in two versions (4K and 8K) can be an important change in the perception that users may have to see content, since the very high resolution, quality and detail that offer images, along with the sizes of the screens allow the user to appear in the video itself. SAPEC, with the HEVC (ITU H.265), shows their capabilities of evolution and adaptation to the new technological trends as previously did with the evolution towards the 3DTV, HDTV, H.264, etc.

The commitment of SAPEC, offer products and advanced, flexible and reliable solutions with the latest technological advances, allows you to maintain confidence and ensure the technological investment from major Broadcasters and Telcos around the world.   SAPEC wants to thank and congratulate, the Group of companies that have participated for the success of this last generation demonstrator, for their professionalism, effort and collaborative spirit.


 Captura de pantalla 2014-04-22 a la(s) 01.47.17

Captura de pantalla 2014-04-22 a la(s) 01.47.49


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