SAPEC, Spanish company focused on the design, manufacturing, marketing, integration and installation of advanced systems of streaming video and audio, MPEG2 and MPEG4 in all types of networks for broadcast environments works closely with the world of engine events so you can get the TV signal we receive on our homes.

Madrid, April 1, 2014

Sapec has returned to supply and install numerous encoders and decoders for high-definition (HD) in the major events of engine, coming back to trusting Sapec teams for their contribution links (formerly Sapec distributed equipment for contributions on both standard definition and high definition IP network). The equipment supplied are family Altum, successful generation of encoders and decoders multi-format high-definition (HD) (H.264/MPEG-2).

Altum teams are encoders and decoders in high definition MPEG-2 and H.264 including 4:2:2 profile of low delay MPEG-2 as H.264 in both, and supports MP@HL  HD MPEG-2 422P@HL encoding profiles, and Hi422P@L4, HP@L4 and MP@L4 H.264 HD profiles. Video and audio of the Altum family equipment interfaces are completely digital: a port HD-SDI/SDI for video and audio 4 or 8 embedded SDI audio and 2 or 4 channels AES/EBU. The equipment supplied support 4 stereo pairs. With regard to the transport interfaces, Altum teams have one or two ports IP and, optionally, DVB-ASI.


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