Madrid (15/12/16).-

Norwegian Company NEVION, represented by SAPEC in Spain, has added functionality to handle UHD/4K commutations, in addition to already available formats (SD/HD/3G). Sublime X2 supports square commutations (where the number of inputs matches the number of outputs) and non-square through sectioning of the ports, allowing for any routing configuration. Configurations can be changed easily on the fly without interrupting the unaffected signals. Nevion’s Sublime X2 family offers functionality normally only seen in modular matrices, such as crosspoint cards, redundant controllers, and processing capabilities including clean-switching, audio embedding, and as of now, line synchronized quad-stream alignment for UHD/4K signals.

SAPEC, the only official Nevion distributor in Spain, continues to develop a relationship based on time and awareness of the needs of the Broadcast sector and service providers, as well as technological evolution and reliability of Nevion Iso products.

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