Madrid, Mexico City, Copenhagen, May 24th, 2022

SAPEC Launches Decoding Functionality in its Sivac-one HEVC UHD 4K Solution

The modular solution can now also be configured as a decoder, thus allowing greater versatility, and guaranteeing very low End to End latencies.
Sivac-one, Sapec’s real-time HEVC/H.265 encoding solution up to 2160p50/60 4K UHD, supports now decoding functionality. The solution, based on the high-performance SMP1000 card, is available on two different platforms: 
FRAME: 1U chassis and hot-swappable redundant power supply, with capacity for 3 cards. These cards can be configured as an encoder or decoder
COMPACT: Portable and light version (<1.4kg) based on 1 SMP card and with external redundant source. compact can be configured as an encoder or as a decoder
To highlight about the solution:
  • Each card can be configured as a 1x 2160p50/60 4K UHD (HDR, WCG) video encoder or as a multi-channel solution of up to 4x FHD/HD/SD channels.  In both cases with pixel depth of 8/10-bit, 4:2:2/4:2:0 chroma and with up to 16 stereo channels of audio embedded in each card. 
  • Each card is independent of the rest and counts with a wide range of interfaces to adapt to the needs of each project: 12G/4x3G/HD/SD-SDI, ASI and IP UDP/ RTP with FEC SMPTE 2022-1/2/7 (Multicast/Unicast).
  • The latencies that are being achieved with this solution are less than 150 ms (End to End), which makes it the ideal solution for interactive video applications such as sports contributions, live events, news, remote production and even return of the feed signal.
Access the catalogs and a video presentation of the solution (2min) Here
About SAPEC SAPEC S.A is a company based in Spain with commercial offices  in Denmark and Mexico, which designs, develops and manufactures reliable  video contribution and distribution solutions  for broadcast  & telecom environments of high demand –  /
The Sapec Sales Team Tel: +34917238910
SAPEC, Your Reliable Video Transport Solutions
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