Madrid, Mexico City, Copenhague, February 16th. 2021


The XAL (Xarxa Audiovisual Local), is updating its contributions to deliver a television signal to high quality (HD). For this, SAPEC and XAL have cooperated during few months to update the existing equipment in the network.

SAPEC, has carried out the update of the equipment of this network to allow the transmission of HD signals between the different Broadcast centres. The project has been carried out in collaboration with Telefonica Servicios Audiovisuales (TSA).

XAL’s TV contribution network uses Altum II model encoders and Gredos model decoders by Sapec for its contributions. All associated local televisions transport the content through Telefonica’s IP network. More than 50 local TVs are supplied with the content generated by the XAL. In addition, more than half of these televisions contribute their own content to the XAL signal.

Image1. Encoder Altum II and decoder Gredos

These contributions are managed by Nevion’s VideoIpath orchestrator, allowing XAL and Telefonica the complete management of all the equipment in the TV contribution network. Using VideoIPath, XAL can make the connections between sites graphically, manually or by programming the connections and disconnections so that they are made automatically by the system itself. This facilitates the operation and management of the entire network. Currently the system is managing more than 3000 monthly connections and disconnections automatically.

Image 2. Timeline –Programmed Connections (VideoIpath)

Image 3. Maps – Geo Location (VideoIpath)

It is worth highlighting Telefonica’s IP Multicast transport network, which allows content to be sent to several or all associated televisions simultaneously and consuming less bandwidth.

From now on, these contributions have the capacity to be made in both SD and HD, something that some televisions and XAL itself were already demanding to improve the quality of their broadcasts.

In this way, SAPEC has gather all the know-how of different technological partners as Telefonica, TSA, Nevion, and the XAL itself, to manage, install, put into operation, and now upgrade these important contribution network for the Catalonian region.

About XAL

The Xarxa Audiovisual Local (XAL) is a public business entity created by the Barcelona Provincial Council with the mission to promote and encourage local communication. To this end, it manages the Xarxa de Televisions Locals (XTVL), the digital newspaper and the XN news agency.

The XTVL is a structure for agreement, coordination, and cooperation with audio-visual media, especially local/regional televisions.  / 

About Nevion

Nevion is a company represented officially by SAPEC in Spain that designs IP-based and virtualization solutions to help Broadcasters orchestrate their remote installations and productions in IP environments. Their best-known solutions are Virtuoso and VideoIpath, but Nevion has a wide range of solutions for signal processing, multiplexing, optical transport, compression, and monitoring.

About TSA

TSA (Telefonica Servicions Audiovisuales) is the Telefónica Group company which has been creating broadcasting audio-visual solutions since 1993. With its headquarters in Spain and presence in Latin America, TSA is customer oriented, promoting flexible and innovative technological system integration solutions. 


SAPEC S.A. is a company based in Spain with commercial offices in Denmark and Mexico, which designs, develops, and manufactures reliable video contribution and distribution solutions for highly demanding Broadcast & Telecom environments. / 

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